Above Ground Pools

The Pool Place offers a wide selection of above ground pools. With pools of all types, sizes, shapes, colors and styles you're sure to find the perfect fit for your backyard vacation area. Come home relax and unwind like never before. A pool is the perfect vacation destination and we offer a wide assortment of quality pools to choose from with the primary differences being wall height, product component structure and thus warranty.

We also have pools that fit perfect in any budget and most any backyard; allowing you to maximize the fun and excitement for years to come.

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They are 48"52" and 54" height walls, with the 54" wall being the tallest and newest design of the three.  All of the above ground pools we sell are pre-packaged pool kits with all equipment and accessories needed for basic operation.  However, customization of the kits is available.
Above ground pool kits are available in both round and oval shapes.
